Subject Guides

How to get a H1 in Leaving Cert Technology Project

By Barry Sheerin - 1 minute read

The practical project and portfolio make up 50% of your overall grade in this subject so it is vital that you give it your best shot! In this blog, Barry goes through his tips and tricks on getting a H1 in this subject.

The Project

The brief for technology comes out every year during October/November. As soon as you get the brief you need to start planning. It will be easier to work on something you’re interested in.

Remember, however, technology is a relatively new subject and the time they allocate for practical work is very tight. With hard work and smart planning, you will get it finished, but it will be tight!

It is your project, not your teachers or your friends. Listen to everyone’s advice but the decision is ultimately yours. Your project needs to be unique and functional. It needs to solve a problem and be useful.

The Portfolio

Your portfolio is essentially a written account of how you made your project. From how you generated your various ideas, how you carried out research, what materials you used and why, how you manufactured your artefact and everything else you do during the project.

Your portfolio needs to encompass everything you do, leave nothing out!  It is very easy to score very high grades if you work hard on your portfolio, include detailed accounts of every step of the journey and produce clean, neat, accurate working drawings and free-hand sketches.

Click the button below to read all of Barry's tips for the LC Technology project.

Best of luck in the exam!

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