Study Advice

How To Survive the Christmas Tests

By Eimear Dinneen - 3 minute read

It’s that time of year again when thousands of teachers are using Studyclix to make their Christmas tests. Check out these tips to make sure you do as well as possible.  

Try not to stress too much

For most students, especially ones who haven't studied very hard yet, the Christmas tests are the first real indicator of how well (or not !) you're doing.  It's important not to get too stressed. Try to relax while doing the exams and you will do a lot better. If you find yourself stressing out, we've written also got a piece about managing exam stress, so give it a read.

Don’t let the Christmas tests disrupt your overall study plan

If you’re doing the junior or leaving cert this year then it’s important that you don’t get too distracted by Christmas tests. It's more important that you are prepared for the mocks than spending too much time worrying about Christmas tests. Most teachers only examine material covered since September so you are only really being tested on one quarter of the course.  Make sure you make a good study plan to organise out how you will spend your time on all subjects.

Study the topics that will come up

Over 80% of the teachers in Ireland now use Studyclix to create their exams. That’s why using Studyclix PLUS+ or PREMIUM☆ to practise all past questions by topic is a really good way to make sure you’re ready. Don’t forget that the marking scheme is a really helpful way to see how you can maximize your marks. Check out how PLUS+ or PREMIUM☆​​​​​​will help you do better in your exams.

Make sure you are studying efficiently

If you are going to put your precious time into studying, then make sure you not wasting your time. We advise you to always try to study in short bursts, take regular breaks and make sure you keep your study active by trying real questions after you cover any topic. We've written some advice on how to improve how you study.

Studyclix's Quizzes are also a great tool to help test your knowledge. They can help you figure out what you already know and what topics you need to work harder on. Why not give one a go and see how you get on? 

Christmas tests are not a waste of time

The more times you simulate exam conditions, the more comfortable you will be when doing exams that really count. Doing tests in school teaches you how to concentrate in an environment similar to the one you will experience in the main exams. Treat these exams as a trial run for the real thing; see what works and what doesn’t work for you but do not treat it like it doesn't matter. 

Get the basics of exam technique right

You’ve probably heard it a million times from your teachers and parents alike, but getting the basics right is a big part of doing well in any exam. Read every question carefully and underline keywords. Do not leave out any parts of a question and if you can't think of anything to write, sketch out a mind map or spider diagram and you'll be surprised at how much comes into your head.

Don't get too worried about your result

Remember, these tests are corrected in-house by your teacher and while a good benchmark, they are not an accurate indicator of how you will do in the exams in June.  If you do well, keep working and If you did badly, don't panic, there is still time to turn things around.

Best of Luck and Happy Christmas!

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