
Studyclix Student Opinion Survey 2023: Stress, tech and the cost of living

By Megan Thornton - 3 minute read

1065 students took part in this year's Student Opinion survey that asked students about the cost of living, the role of tech in their lives and what they worry about.

We asked you what your opinion was on a number of different topics and here is what you had to say!


Screen use

  • 83% of students worry they use their phones too much

  • 38% use smartphones for 4+ hours a day, while 16% of students use their phones for 6+ hours

  • One in five students has used Chat GPT for schoolwork

  • 54% of students say short from video apps such as TikTok and other platforms like Instagram have seriously impacted their concentration or ability to study.

  • The most popular social media platforms are Snapchat and Instagram (both at 87%), followed by Tiktok (73%), YouTube (71%), and BeReal (49%). 

  • Irish students’ Top 5 influencers are Molly Mae; Miriam Mullins; Emma Chamberlain; Lauren Whelan and Jim Flano

Exam Stress

  • 74% of students say exam pressure and stress is one of the biggest concerns in their life

  • 65%, or two out of three students, say they have given up sports or a pastime to focus more on school

Cost of living

  •  64% of students say they are concerned about the cost of living

  • More than one in eight students (13%) say their house is colder due to the cost-of-living crisis

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