
Survey Results: Here's what students think about Studyclix Boost

By Amanda McGeer - 3 minute read

If you've been curious about Studyclix Boost and wondering if it will help you and your study, the responses to a recent survey of students using Boost may answer some of those questions for you.

What is Studyclix Boost?
Designed by some of the best biology and maths teachers in Ireland, Studyclix Boost gives you similar benefits to grinds at a fraction of the cost. Through an extensive range of quizzes, flashcards, teacher tips and bite-size videos, even the most difficult concepts are made easier.
Don’t believe us? We surveyed students who have been using Boost and here’s what they have to say.*

96% of Boost users are now more confident with a subject having used Boost.

How strongly do you agree with this statement: "I have more confidence with a subject or topic(s) having used Boost"?

I feel so much more confident in maths. I'm seeing my grade move from H2 to H1 more often now because I actually understand it rather than learning it off.

If you feel confident in a subject, you're more likely to enjoy studying it and your grades will naturally improve. Boost has been designed to give students simple but comprehensive explanations so they can be confident in an exam, no matter what topic pops up.

98% of Boost users say they have a better understanding of topics since using Boost.

How strongly do you agree with this statement: "I understand a subject or topic(s) better since using Boost"?

Complex numbers in maths - I wasn't confident in this topic AT ALL. After watching the Boost videos and practising the exam questions, I got full marks in this section of my recent exams.

The 21 videos on constructions in geometry have been an absolute lifesaver. I love how every video is straight to the point and has all the information I need.

We understand that most topics need a visual tutorial in order to be fully understood. As a result, we've loaded a total of 350 videos into LC Maths Boost with another 307 videos available in LC Biology Boost.

I love how it breaks down the carbon and nitrogen cycle in biology. The linked exam questions at the end of topics with estimated time limits are extremely useful.

Testing yourself after studying a topic is the best way to check if you've really understood it and if you are ready for it in an exam. That's why you'll find flashcards to test key definitions along with past exam questions and their marking scheme after each topic.

92% of users would recommend Boost to a friend

Studyclix Boost for maths has taken me from a H4 average to a H2 average overnight. I have been recommending it to anyone who will listen.

I've recommended Boost to many of my friends in 5th year and I'd say they're equally as happy with the feature as I am :)

94% of users find Boost excellent value for money, or fairly priced.

For €49.99 per available subject, Boost offers in-depth explanations of topics & concepts, tests your knowledge and provides insider tips and advice on how to succeed - much like a grind! The only thing Boost doesn't offer is an in-person experience where you can chat one-to-one with a tutor, but we've put a lot of effort into our videos to make it feel like the teacher is right there with you, teaching you all you need to know.

An absolute game-changer and for the price of an average 2 hour maths grind, it is a bargain. I already plan to use it for all of my studying until the leaving cert.

Really good alternative to grinds and it’s more convenient and cheaper compared to grinds as well.

Here are the top 5 topics students found LC Maths Boost most useful for:

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    Complex Numbers

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Here are the top 5 topics students found LC Biology Boost most useful for:

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Click here for more information about Studyclix Boost content and pricing.

*Based on a survey of 164 students conducted between the 16th and 27th of November 2023.

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