German - Ordinary
The second most popular foreign language for LC, this exam lets you show off your knowledge.
In the exam, it's really important that you keep an eye on the clock and avoid the temptation to run over time perfecting one section at the cost of not finishing your last question. The reading comprehension part is worth the most at both Higher and Ordinary levels. Remember to be accurate, watch your grammar, read the question carefully and practice comprehensions regularly.
Many students fail to prepare properly for the listening comprehension (Aural) test which takes up the first 40 mins of the written exam. You will find all the past recordings along with questions and answers in the Studyclix Aural topics. The German Oral (Speaking) exam is a 15-minute interview in March/ April. It is worth practising speaking and thinking in German aloud as often as possible. You'll find some advice on preparing for your oral on our blog.
Higher Level Course Content
- AURAL - 1) Interview
- AURAL - 2) Phone Call
- AURAL - 3) Dialogue
- AURAL - 4) News Pieces
- Äußerung zum Thema (Write on a theme)
- Comprehension: Magazine or Newspaper
- Comprehension: Novel or Short story
- Grammatik (Grammar)
- Oral
- ORAL exam
- Schriftliche Produktion (Picture)
- Schriftliche Produktion (Write a Letter)
Ordinary Level Course Content
- AURAL - Dialogue
- AURAL - Interview
- AURAL - News Pieces
- AURAL - Phone Call
- Comprehension: Magazine or Newspaper
- Comprehension: Novel or Short story
- Finish the dialogue
- Grammar (Grammatik)
- Oral
- ORAL exam
- Write a blog...
- Write a letter...
- Write a story...
- Write an application
- Write an eMail...
- Write on a theme (Thema)
- Write on a topic/ Give your Opinion
The Exam
For both Higher and Ordinary levels, the exam consists of three components:
- oral examination
- written examination (reading comprehension and written production)
- aural examination (listening comprehension)
The oral exam is worth 25% at Higher level and 20% at Ordinary level.
The listening comprehension is worth 20% at Higher level and 25% at Ordinary level.
The reading comprehension is worth 30% at Higher level and 40% at Ordinary level.
The written production is worth 25% at Higher level and 15% at Ordinary level.
At Higher Level, the Reading Comprehension has a journalistic reading text, followed by questions testing comprehension, language awareness, applied grammar and your ability to give an opinion on the topic. The written section has a formal or informal letter or an essay-type response to a picture.
At Ordinary Level, you do one literary and two journalistic comprehensions with similar exercises to Higher Level. Written exercises include letters, telling a story from a given series of pictures or writing a dialogue.
Future Careers with Leaving Certificate German
Germany is one of the strongest economies in Europe and one of Ireland's main trading partners. Many Irish companies need professionals with a good knowledge of German. German is also a requirement for some CAO courses. German opens up careers in sectors such as Tourism & Hospitality, Education, Business Management, Politics, History and Media
Download the leaving cert German Syllabus
Download the leaving cert German Chief Examiner's Report (2016)
Download the leaving cert German Guidelines for Teachers