Home Economics - Ordinary
A long and diverse course, this subject is a lot more than just cooking.
Don't forget to practice Question 1(a) from Section B where you have to analyze a graph or chart. These type of questions will not appear in your textbook. Don't forget to study all topics in your elective. Part (a) is compulsory so if you cut corners you can get caught out. Students who do Biology and Business will find some overlapping topics which makes things easier.
Higher Level Course Content:
- Consumer Studies
- Diet & Health
- Elective 1: Energy & Emissions
- Elective 1: Heating, Water, Lighting..
- Elective 1: Housing (Planning, building..)
- Elective 1: Interior Design
- Elective 2: Fabrics
- Elective 2: Patterns & Fashion
- Elective 3: (un)employment & Poverty
- Elective 3: Education in Ireland
- Elective 3: Family Life & Leisure
- Environment
- Food Assignments
- Food Industry & Packaging
- Food Spoilage & Food Safety
- Foods: Meat, Fish, Cereal, Fruit/Veg, Dairy, Eggs
- Household Appliances
- Household Finances
- Marriage & Family Law
- Meal Planning & Preparation
- Nutrition: Carbohydrates
- Nutrition: Lipids
- Nutrition: Protein
- Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals
- Textiles
- The Family
Ordinary Level Course Content:
- Consumer Studies
- Diet & Health
- Elective1: Energy & Emissions
- Elective1: Heating, Water, Lighting..
- Elective1: Interior Design
- Elective1: Irish Housing
- Elective2: Fabrics
- Elective2: Patterns & Fashion
- Elective3: (un)employment & Poverty
- Elective3: Education in Ireland
- Elective3: Family Life & Leisure
- Energy
- Environment
- Food Assignments
- Food Industry & Packaging
- Food Spoilage & Food Safety
- Foods: Meat, Fish, Cereal, Fruit/Veg, Dairy, Eggs
- Household Appliances
- Household Finances
- Marriage & Family Law
- Meal Planning & Preparation
- Nutrition: Carbohydrates
- Nutrition: Lipids
- Nutrition: Protein
- Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals
- Older Persons
- Textiles
- The Family
The Exam
Practical Coursework - 20%
This is worth 20% of the final mark this is submitted in journal form in sixth year.
Written Exam paper – 80%
The written examination is a two-and-a-half hour exam at both levels and has three sections:
Section A (60 marks)
12 short questions and you're marked on you're best 10. These deal mainly with all the core areas.
Section B (180 marks)
5 questions of which you must answer question 1 (Food Science and Nutrition) and any other 2 questions (from the other Core Areas).
Section C (80 marks)
3 questions of which you must answer one question, an elective question based on your chosen elective.
Future Careers with Leaving Certificate Home Economics
Home Economics is not an essential requirement for any courses in the CAO system but teaches useful cooking skills that will be used by all. Future careers include Fashion, Cookery, Chef, Tourism, Business, Social Work.
Download the Leaving Cert Home Economics Syllabus
Download the Leaving Cert Home Economics Chief Examiner's Report (2017)
Download the Leaving Cert Home Economics Guidlines for Teachers