It's essential to understand the purpose of these meetings. They are not merely a formality but a collaborative space designed to foster a partnership between home and school. This partnership is crucial as it shapes the student's experience and can significantly influence their success.
Preparation is key and it begins with a conversation with the student as opposed to the teacher. Before the meeting, take some time to talk with your student about their feelings towards school, their academic strengths, and areas they find challenging. This conversation can provide valuable insights and specific points to discuss with individual subject teachers. Particularly spend time discussing subjects or facets of the curriculum that they are finding challenging as your goal is to help find solutions for this with help from the teachers.
It can be beneficial for parents and guardians to come equipped with questions that can lead to a deeper understanding of their student’s educational experience. These questions can stem from your discussion with the student but here are some general questions that can be adapted to help parents and guardians make the most of these discussions: